Challenges of Senior Nutrition Change with Time

Nutrition is certainly more important as we grow older than when we were younger. However, the abundance of healthy foods available in Australia may not necessarily mean that some Australians have made the right choice for their health. As we get older, obstacles to healthy eating grow alongside us. Sometimes we feel compelled to eat things that satisfy our cravings without providing any real nutritional value. This is not only natural – it is important . As we age, our sense of tastes and smells changes. This can be especially noticeable if we take certain foods that used to appeal to us, such as sweets like chocolate chip cookies, and then find that they no longer do so. In addition, as we age, our digestive system may not process ingredients as effectively, and we may experience food sensitivities that weren't apparent before. Elderlies sometimes have allergies or lactose intolerances; this means that adults can become sensitive to foods or develop new ones. For this rea...