Helpful Tips for the Long-Distance Caregiver - Young Heart Home and Community Care


Looking after elderly parents who live far away is tricky. Regardless of whether you reside an hour away or are tending to a parent in another area, it's both emotionally exhausting and costly. On average, long-distance caregiving can spend approximately more than $10,000 annually for related expenses.

While we understand everyone has busy schedules, we know that you can’t be there in person all the time. So what can you do?

Here are a few approaches to assist ageing parents, even when you live far away.

Think about what you can do

Acknowledge that you cannot do all that is necessary for your parents. What you can do instead is to think about where you have strengths. With the knowledge of what you can do comes the ability to plan those grey-areas included in taking care of them.

Gather the family members for a meeting

Bring everyone up to date with a face-to-face encounter, phone call, or video chat. Gather the entire family so that each person grasps the problems at hand and your parents' desires. After that, arrange a plan of action which takes into consideration everybody's abilities and timetables. This way, each person is aware of their task and what they need to do after you come to an understanding.

Find time to visit

It is crucial for you to have the chance to catch up with your loved one occasionally. Get in touch with the main caregiver on when to visit them. Ask how you can be of assistance or provide relief, and discover what your loved one requires. Most importantly, be sure to spend quality time together.

Get everyone in the loop

To get the most recent information on their parent's health, some families have conference calls with medical professionals or senior living staff. Do not forget to connect with them regularly - phone conversations and emails are straightforward methods of staying in touch, which also plays an essential role in strengthening your familial ties.

Think about different living arrangements

 In some situations, parental health necessitates assistance that is closer to home. In a few instances, households can make it feasible by relocating near the parent. Different families figure out that having the parents move nearer to their grown-up children is more reasonable.

 If relocating is simply not an option, hiring in-home care is the best course of action.

 With Young Heart Home and Community Care, we can assure that your elderly are very well taken care of by our professional and friendly carers.

 Personal Home Care Assistance

 Young Heart Home and Community Care in Victoria pledges to assist the elderly and disabled in creating exuberant, stimulating lifestyles by furnishing them with home care services such as Self-Management or Full-Management.

 We pride ourselves in exceptional home help for seniors and Chinese nursing care services. It is our desire that more seniors and elders will experience a decrease in their social isolation possibilities by taking advantage of our home care services.

 Our professional staff provides free consultations regarding the Home Care Package. Feel free to contact us anytime and let us know how we can help.


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